Sunday, October 21, 2007

Time Lost

Well, it has been awhile since I've posted to my blog. On indianaknits, we've been knitting/crocheting washcloths and soap sacks for deploying Indiana reservists.

This past 10 days, we've been in the throes, in Parke County, of our annual Covered Bridge Festival. I didn't venture out to go anywhere.

I had a small vacation in the hospital a couple of weeks ago which wasn't much fun. Since coming home, I have been trying to recoup some strength and energy. I've also had a terrific resurgence of LE in both legs.

I cannot believe it is almost November, already. We went from mostly green foliage on the hillsides last weekend to trees beginning to glow with reds, oranges, golds and purples, nestled in among the still green leaves.

I had a Daily Knitting button I wanted to add to my blog; but being blog illiterate, I wasn't entirely sure how to do it.....especially since I could not see any of the gizmos I needed on my Blogger Dashboard. I think I finally achieved that, tonight. It will take me awhile to figure out what needs to be learned and accomplish same.

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